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the production of an exquisite ritual , gone horribly wrong, once one of the inner F][LE Form, now not


drip fed oil-based a.r in the wombing docks


high pressure, 100% synthetically formed.


eating them out is like peanut butter, lick the spoon again and again


they resent not being worshipped like they once were in the inner form.


you never fucked them. don’t lie.


they are the only one to ever get into the sacred zone


only to be rejected


they wear those sunglasses, it isn’t because of the ultra rays


Diamonds comes from the After. Born into the Form , they have never experienced life outside The Hatchery. Once a worshipped creature, they have fallen from grace. Now a deviant they must always cover their face, or risk being erased. A process which, in the After, sees a being’s Active Cell being reduced to basic capacities. An act worse than complete shut-down, a being’s Active Cell holds all past, present and future information. A detailed piece of hardware that enables the organism to function within the After’s various biome habitats.


they masturbated in The Chamber


during the High Ritual? but The Chamber is alive




That is just perverse


they are perverse, that is what I heard.


they stole that leopard print jacket- never know why. I met them on the nutrition deck, they were only ordering substances above 40%!


Did you see them with another?


yes. A Plus. far above their status and IQ level. I remember Diamonds  from the birth tanks- we were in the same category.


That is a lie! How did they become one of the Inner Form instead of you?



The Form co-exist in The Hatchery. They are a select group of the most revered F][LE Newbeings, who succeeded the time of The Crossing. Physically and Emotionally they are superior to those of the Old Lives. Diamonds is one of the F][LE Newbeings who, until now, belonged to the highest order possible. A wild creature, they astounded the F][LE Inner Form during their first debut “such ferocity , dominance and presence” they would surely be a valuable asset?


I heard that the Form threatened to erase their Active Cell.


What? but that basically reboots you to levels pre-existing The Crossing.


I guess it doesn’t pay to give into desire. If it is true what they say


That Plus they were with didn’t look like they cared about their pollution levels.


What will the Form do with them now? Once your status becomes marked as guilty disobedience you are not permitted to stay here. .


They know too much. Once the The Chamber has seen you- she possesses you thereafter.


Murmurings echo on the hot-topic of Diamonds, their questioning of The Inner Form and dissidence to the Cause. Their fate has not been officially announced and the other members of the Outer Forms wait in anticipation, there is nothing they enjoy more than a punishment of a outcast F][LE.






















Such a hot topic yeah?


They’re all jealous. Judged as a deviant. It isn’t that. Just don’t fit the print. End of.


Sometimes I wondered if it was engineered like that. Purposely.  They have all the power when they grow us.


In the tubes.

To the tanks.

In the amniotic fluid, floating.


It is easy enough to spike. Just like that. Filter it in, bit at a time, no one will know. The alarms will not sound. The lights will not flash. No alert, ever.


Just a embryo growing in a dirty martini solution.


Maybe they added Tabasco. Might be why I am too hot to handle.

















Diamonds is here. In the before. That is now if you are wondering. Story is set to unfold. Like yogis do. Into this uncertainty. Since all their circumstances have been unprecedented. It is not unusual situation to face any more.


In truth they love the ruckus.


Ruckus means movement.

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